Millions of people throughout the world do not get enough rest and sleep. This is a major health problem.
Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which you have trouble falling and/or staying asleep.
In ‘’Nutritional Balancing Science’’, correcting insomnia is a top priority since rest and sleep are essential whole system behaviors that must occurs for healing to proceed rapidly.
A complete development program can help solve sleep difficulties, even when nothing else has been effective. This is because it can remove toxic metals such as copper, and it can correct other imbalances in the body that interfere with normal sleep.
What are the symptoms of insomnia?
Aside from the obvious sleep difficulties, symptoms of insomnia include:
• Fatigue
• Irritability
• Difficulty concentrating
• Trouble building or maintaining relationships
• Stress and anxiety
• Depression
Problems with sleep can be caused by a large number of factors. We can placed them in two main categories:
• Lifestyle changes – these cover many factors from the environment in which you sleep in, the amount of stress you are coping with to your age.
– Going to bed too late. It is best to be in bed by 8-9 PM.
– Mental stress, worry, preoccupations or general tension.
– Feeling hot, cold, uncomfortable in bed, itchy or some other bodily discomfort.
– Noise , too much light or perhaps a partner snoring.
• Medical Causes – Insomnia also may result from a variety of medical conditions, pain, and even the treatments for these disorders. And poor sleep hygiene can make these medical conditions worse.
Recommendations for better rest:
We can recommend some of them such as :
– A walk in nature or get a little exercise during the day.
– Make attempt to have finished all activities early in the evening.
– Make sure the bedroom is dark, cool, quiet, ventilated and comfortable.
– Go to bed and get up at the same time every day.
– Avoid big meals at night, caffeine, alcohol before bed.
– Avoid drinking too many liquids in the evening.
– A good drink to have before you go to bed is lemon balm tea.